Welcome to my world


Open Mind, Open Heart.


Opening the door…

When I considered all the work and training I’d done in spirituality, I realized that a Near Death Experience was followed with some abilities that I brushed aside as “helpful” but not particularly valuable. Then my son passed and a friend told me I needed to visit a Reiki Medium. I refused that experience or any similar route. But my pain overcame my fear and doubt, and the work I did with that medium saved my life. I credit the passing of my son with the opening of a door I’d not only locked but bolted.

As I did the work to recover from the pain of grief, the pain subsided and I began collecting gifts. The tsunamis of my life taught me that I knew how to handle a tsunami. Mediumship for me is just one tool I use to keep my life happy, healthy, and purposeful. I have studied with many leading American and British mediums, and some trance mediums and healers. My primary mediumship teacher has been Medium Charlie Kelly. I have also studied with Mavis Pittilla. I learned that my “I know best” attitude was getting in the way of spirit. I stopped saying no to the amazing healing spirit offered- healing beyond my hopes and dreams. I came to understand that the whole point of my healing is to prepare me to heal others.

When I work, I teach that love never dies by bringing evidence that those you thought you lost are closer than your breath. It is my greatest joy to connect with spirit and help you open your own doors.

- Love,
Claudia Milligan


My Boy David

My son introduced me to unconditional love the first time I held him, and continues to teach me to love. My son took his own life at 29 and then brought me to a place where my life has meaning again. David made me who I am, and conspires to help me become all I am meant to be. I was a fixer-upper mom, so my determination to teach my son to love and be loved meant that I had to recover from trauma, accept myself and him, and learn to love myself and others. Tall order- and only my twin flame David could have motivated me to fill it. 

David was a fisherman, an entrepreneur, and a passionate and gifted arborist who made miracles with a chain saw. He dealt with emotional disorders and alcoholism, and all that comes with that. I have been intuitive all my life, but I could conveniently hide that part of me away until just four days after my son took his own life. That morning I said to him “I love you David” and I immediately heard his voice in my head: “I love you too, Mom.” That was just the beginning. So David and I began a journey I know we’ll be on together forever. 

Get started with me, today.