Letters To David: Following My Son Into Spirit

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… It isn’t the things you chase that matter—it’s the things that chase you. Wisdom, knowledge, joy, peace. They can’t catch you if you’re running. Be still and let yourself be caught. Pursue what is good. I love that you like to connect. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. People can learn from you then, as you can learn from them. Keep your heart open. I’m off my soapbox now. I’m happy, Mom. All the crap has melted away. Anger, jealousy, fear. I have no need for them. I’m getting where I always wanted to be. I love you. Write longer letters. Watch for me.

- David


Imagine embarking on a transformative journey through the most profound grief imaginable, only to discover an unbreakable bond that transcends the boundaries of life and death. Embark on a transformative journey with "Letters to David: Following My Son into Spirit,” a guide through the profound grief of losing a loved one to discovering an unbreakable bond that transcends life and death. This narrative centers on Claudia Milligan, who faced the earth-shattering loss of her 29-year-old son, David. Claudia credits David as her co-author. This story pivots from despair to hope, illuminating a path for those engulfed in sorrow.

Claudia's experiences, from being a mother to becoming a medium, offer a unique perspective on maintaining connections beyond the physical world. Her journey reveals that our bonds with loved ones endure, even flourishing in unexpected ways. Through her candid narration of shared moments of laughter and tears with David, Claudia imparts wisdom for navigating grief not as an end but as a continuation of a relationship.

This book is a beacon of comfort, showing that physical limits do not confine love. You will find practical tools and spiritual practices that help keep the essence of your connections with your loved ones alive. Her insights into intuitive writing and spiritual communication are enlightening and deeply healing.

In these pages, you'll find a heartening message: in the depths of loss, there's an opportunity to rediscover joy and strength. Claudia's journey is a powerful reminder of the resilience of love and the enduring ties that bind us beyond our physical existence.

Claudia is a medium, Reiki Master, and healer practicing in Arizona. For more on Claudia Milligan's journey and insights into the everlasting nature of love and spirit, visit her website at www.hello-from-home.com. "Letters To David: Following My Son Into Spirit" offers a new lens through which to view life, death, and the everlasting connections that continue to enrich our lives.


Claudia Milligan spent most of her life keeping things under control with an accounting career and many personal regulations before she began searching for a deeper spirituality.

After a Near Death Experience in 1997, she began some intuitive writing that has continued ever since, even after her son passed in 2017. She was a single mother of her only son, David, for 18 years, and his passing into spirit unlocked the doors she had bolted shut.

She became open to learning about spirit and communicating with her son. She is a medium, Reiki Master, and healer practicing in Arizona with her new dog, Kade. This is her first book with her beloved son, David.

She lived, then David came, she raised him, he passed, he raised her, and she wrote a book.


This is what your mind sounded like to me: “Oh, geez is that him? What if it’s not him? What if it is him? Who would know if it was him or not? How can I get proof?”

Mom, you didn’t sound crazy when you heard me say I love you too, Mom. But you did sound pretty crazy when you started asking people who had not heard what you had heard or thought what you had thought or knew what you had known.

Mom, you asked them if that was really me, or if that was a sign, or how could I know what was really going on. And then when they told you their opinions (whether their advice was solicited or not) you would believe them.

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